Nurtionist Visit and some self research.....

On the 26th I went to see the nurtionist again.  I saw a different one then the first time, won't make that mistake again.  First she tells me that I should try setting a calorie goal and sticking to it...I did that for October....I only lost 4 lbs and 3 inches.  Then she says that I should try to make my low end days around 1700 and my high end calorie days 2100.  I told her no way...she looked at me like I had six heads.  Then bumped it up to 2500.  Then she hands me a meal plan for 1900 calories and says try to follow something like this....I did something similar and found even with my coffee, I was 80 calories under the suggested plan.  She talked in circles and a great example of that is...your doing great but doing it wrong. ??????

Now I know that there are some great nurtionist out there and I have a friend becoming a nurtionist.  But this one was just a crack pipe short of a full blown crack head.  I know they go to school for awhile and then have to recert every 5 years, but I think she may want to try to recert ahead of time.  And she actually almost made the mistake of saying someone of your size....bitch I dare you, when we were talking about my 5k time and how far I walk on treadmill at gym.

 Now my self research.

BMR (body metabolic rate)=1948 (just sitting and doing nothing)
Needs to maintain weight:3440
My differential:940-1740

1 hour on treadmill walking 3+miles=452
20 min on elliptical=405
total Gym Workout=857 calories

Home work out:

Just dance 30 mins=145

Crunches=134 calories
Wall Pushups=90
1 hour of housework=607
Jumping Jacks=52
1 hour of playing with Abbie=699

Sundays (Just Gym)=857 calories
Mondays(complete homework out)=1727
Tuesdays(Just dance/Gym)=1002
Wednesdays(complete home)=1727
Thursdays(complete home)=1727
Fridays(just dance/gym)=1002
Saturdays(3 hours housework/playing with Abbie)=2520
Total Calorie Burn for week=10562
Total BMR Needs for week=13636
Total combined calories for week=24198

Now if I ate what I needed to maintain for week that would be 24080 calories. Making my differential
an average of 118 calories burned compared to what I consumed. But I don't eat to maintain this weight. Thinking about the 1900 calorie meal plan...13300...that is a differential of over 10,000 calories. If I tried to do it on 2100...14700, my differential would be 9498. Doesn't sound to hairy or too difficult till they tell you it is only healthy to lose .5 lbs-2 lbs a week. To create a weight loss you have to eat at least 500 calories less a day to lose the 1 lb so 3500 calories less a week. So based on that I would have to eat 20580 in a week to lose the 1lb a week. If I went by the nurtionist plan and only ate the 14700 I am actually creating the a differential that is almost 6000 calories more meaning I would accelerate my weight loss to an unhealthy rate.

So again I ask...

I plan on returning to the original Nurtionist who specializes in people with eating disorders.  I also intend to keep doing this my way.  What I recommend to anyone who is seeing a nurtionist that they double check facts and numbers before just taking their word for it.  If I had just taken her word on this I would be writing this from a hospital bed where I would be hooked to an iv because I continued my active life style with not enough calories or nutrients to maintain it.

Happy Dieting


  1. Anonymous12/29/2012

    This has so much math in it! That is my biggest downfall....all the damn math!!


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