Honest Confessions...Starting Over!!!

Been a busy few months!!! School is not a walk in the park...but rocking that 4.0!!! Anyway, in my pursuit of higher education I have let a lot of things slide. My blog, my workouts, and my eating habits. Sitting in front of the computer typing up paper, after assignment, after discussion board post gets hard after awhile. It includes some snacking on all the wrong things to fuel up for this. So after watching my weight balloon back up, the pain levels reaching highs again, and the lack of motivation to do anything...I am putting my foot down. I know, I know, I said in 2013...2014 is my year. It was not. Now I could give you a 105 excuses as to you why, but that is all they are excuses. And echoing in my head is a statement I have said 1001 times, Excuses are the nails that built the house of failure. BUT this is not a failure...failure is just saying Fuck it, I am done and never gonna change.

 So...I am making 2015 about me! NO more excuses or set backs. I have to do this, and do this the right way! I am starting over...again for the LAST time. Ya, Ya, Ya, I know I said that before but that me did not have the want I have now maybe, or the determination, or the drive. It got hard, slow results, blah blah blah...now I am starting January 1...doing a challenge for money, my biggest motivator. But I am choosing my hard...right here right now.

I am recommitting, I am making changes, I am going to do what needs to be done to make it work for the long haul. What good is it for me to go to school and change my life that way...if I am just going to slowly kill myself by eating and not taking care of me?

I also am done with the excuses and all the reasons I cannot!!!  I know I can so I will! No more procrastination, just gotta do it...cause no one can do this for me.

I will post again more towards the end of the year with the short term and long term goals. I will also once again put down the starting weight, measurements, and all that jazz...but I am turning this set back into my comeback.

 I am taking responsibility for all the short comings and making this next 365 days the best days that they can be. I will no longer hide behind what I have been, I am about to find my butterfly...changes are coming!!! 2015 is truly about me and the skinny bitch trapped inside!
