Roots Before Branches

Hey I am figuring out all kinds of cook things I did not know before!!! I have had a blog for almost 3 years and I just figured out how to add music from youtube....look out y'all I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!!!

Anyway...there was a reason I went looking for how to do this...yesterday I got to spend the day kiddo free with an amazing group of strong women who each one embodies something different, but yet I know they were all placed in my  little space of the universe for a reason. There is a Higher Power working here!!
God has not only a plan, but a sense of humor. You know what they say timing is everything...I mean I tried this two years ago. I grew up in churches....but see without all of these pieces would this time be the time that I plant roots and that I not only grow...but I flourish!!  I had to have roots before I could have branches. (Song is at the end!!)

A little back story, I grew up military...I truly don't think I have ever planted roots...I have always moved around a little here and there...and when I first heard this song on Glee,  (Yes it is Glee's version, yes I know it is a cover and not the original, and Glee in itself is whole blog post on it's own!!) anyway before I totally digress, I didn't like it...because again, the timing was all wrong. It was not in God's plan that at that moment...the lightbulb go off. Well his current plan is becoming much more was time for me to plant my roots. It was time for me to fully figure out not just who I am but where is my place in this world...I mean seriously there had to be more than the trip to the commissary every two weeks...occasional Target or Wal-Mart...

There was...and all it took was an invite, a bible study geared to what was going on and a feel that I was finally in a place I could call home.

I watched Army wives and I knew that the Tribe aspect that they had was a TV thing and not did not mean I did not wish it was possible, but yesterday looking around the room as we laughed and talked....I realized I had found my tribe. We may fuss, we may have our differences....but at the end of it...we know that we can rely on each other to get the job done and for the added prayers as needed!!

So, as I wrap this up, just for today I am going to enjoy where I am at...I am going to relax and know that I am right where I need to be. My roots have been it is time for the branches!!
