What is considered action?

Today's blog is not gonna be full of pictures, it may not be really long. I just finished my reading and meditation and the theme was evident. See the 5 main books I use are daily readers. They are just short blurbs, a quote...nothing that takes very long to read and I take a few notes and some days it hits me to write, others it hits me to post a few pictures. Now I mention the readers to bring up this note, none are written by the same people and all have different themes for the day, but every once in awhile it the daily message is reiterated in EVERY single one!!!

Today there was a theme that I had to share:
 Live for today, not what happened yesterday, not what may happen...but the NOW!! Spend a few minutes in prayer and meditation, will be amazed at how clear you begin to think. Choose to take action on what you can change,rather than wallow on what you cannot.

Now, when I say action, what do I mean? Well after a long heart to heart with my husband and looking at the world around us...we figured out just what our plan of action would be!!!
It is something simple but with each others help we will accomplish something by September 28th...
At one room a day deep cleaned and gone through, we will clear the clutter, get the room completely cleaned and be able to put us on not only a schedule but a routine that will leave time for lots of stuff. My busy volunteer schedule, homeschooling of Ab's till next year, me breaking away for Zumba on Tuesday night and we will be doing something for us on Thursdays.

It truly hit me tonight when I finished deep cleaning the kitchen, made dinner, and than did the dishes. I cleaned the whole kitchen and finished the dishes in the time it took for a pot of coffee to brew (not a Keurig pot, an old regular pot). I want this all the time, this feeling of I got it all together and I do not want to sacrifice one thing to make sure the other is done.

I had someone compliment me and call me an inspiration for doing what I do, raising Abbie, and going to school...I said thank you and without my support system I could not do what I do. I was being honest and I am not only talking about my husband...I am talking about the friends that help me get where I need to go, that listen to me vent, and that above all else just say hey, you got this!!! Without them I would be lost and the key players know who they are!!! One has been by my side miles away for the last 4 years and while she will never forgive my husband for taking me away...she knows this just where I needed to be!!! Lots are new..and some are here and some live in my computer...but they always have the right on time thing!!!

So just for today...I am feeling accomplished and loved!!! Tomorrow, more accomplishing to do!
