I almost relapsed...

I was ready to throw in the towel and give up. This week was a hard week, I still have my step goal streak intact. But I almost said done. This week was crazy....Monday board meeting and shopping, home to bake, school work, and power point building....no workout. No big deal I will catch it up on Tuesday....PWOC, shopping, home to try and clean and stuff...No work out, and Wed same type...do we see the pattern? I was so caught up in the real world, I put off my workout. When I did this, I ate after 8:30. Three days in a row.

 There is a reason for that...I was in physical pain. I found a new trigger now that I have dealt with 90% of my triggers, a new one pops up. Now, I have fibromyalgia, so how am I supposed to fix this...that is where the three day slump came from. I am always in physical pain and if that is a trigger for me wanting to eat, I might as well just give up now. I dwell on that, I stress over it, and I thought about it till it consumed me. I mean seriously, but in all of that I forgot about something....I forgot my higher power, turning it over letting it go, and praying it out. If I had just stopped and prayed about it on Monday night, I would not be sitting here Friday, bummed my week two was not as strong as it could have been!
 I also want to touch on something here, addiction is addiction no matter what substance you use. If you use something that will cause you harm to numb the pain, it is an addiction. If you are being treated and using a substance with the supervision of a doctor, that is recovery. A twinkie can cause as much damage as a drink if you are using it to shut down emotions.

I am not saying to not live, enjoy, we all gotta eat...just as the commercials say drink responsibly, eat the same way. Eat to nourish and fuel the body!
 So last night I sat down and I had a long talk with God, first I thanked him that my slump, that slippery slope I was headed for, lasted less than 72 hours...to date that is the least amount of time. I also turned this whole mess over to him. In order for me to stay in recovery, I HAVE to rely on a power greater than me...God. I have to stay diligent and I have to stay focused on the end results.

 This whole slump started because I gave myself the night off...I said screw it, I was on my feet all day, I am gonna eat this late dinner and I have so much to do before bed I don't have TIME for a workout. But I had time to play a game and sit on Facebook....Ummm I was starting to slide right there. So now even if  I have steps made, even if I am hurting, even if I only do a three song play list...I am gonna make sure that I stay diligent! Philippians 3:14- I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Black bra is start of phase print is midway!

So I am midway through phase 2...stats, I am down 7 pounds!!! Which means I finished the goal for this phase and started on the next!! This also means that I am about 10 pounds from losing the first 10% of my body weight...my weight loss goal for the YEAR!!! Time to change that up!
This is the first phase and what I should look like when the last 10 pounds comes off!
So wrapping this up and signing off for week 6 of 2016 already!! I have already had 70 plus views for this year too!!! I am loving this new focus and the set up! If there is a topic, a suggestion drop it below! Like what you read, share it!! Google plus, pinterest, Facebook, even twitter!! That is my next frontier to master lol!!!

Till next week, stay focused on today...remember when you can't stand, Kneel God's got this! He started this journey He put me on....all I have to do is follow where He leads and together 2016 will be our year!!!
