Stop trying to sell me

I am going start with this...I am not directing this to all, I have some amazing friends who sell. I am also a seller of things...but this is a growing trend and as someone with a chronic condition, it happens all the time. We all know what I am talking about. If I know you sell something and if I want more information about it, I will come to you. It is a lotion, not a used before I digress...
Status, blog, you know what I mean!

I first want to apologize if I have ever come across that way. I have been told I do not, but one persons version of not high pressure may not be the other. From here on out, yup I sell the oils, have questions wanna learn more, let me know other than that...I will continue to tell you how they are working for me and in my life...I mean this is what I am using for my weight loss and they are a huge part of why I am successful this year with the current weight loss...beyond that I will not be pushing the oily water on anyone! 

With all that said....
When I post on Facebook or social media, I am in the middle of a flair, or that I am not feeling well, or that I am trying to lose weight...I expect  you to offer up what you sell to me once....after that, well

If I want more info, I will come to you. If I tell you I have a coach I work with and that her and I are in communication for when I am ready for my next program. Stop posting your links on my page in comments, quite using subtle hints in groups that have asked that you do not sell....It is not cute and some of y'all are borderline harassing with it.

Again this is not everyone!!! It is frustrating when I already have a list of pills I take and then I look at the ingredients and I have to take this list to my doc and come to find out that the lotion I just bought from you for 80.00, interacts with them and I can not use it. It is also disheartening when I can not even turn to friends and family on Facebook when I am feeling gross and ask for prayers cause I do not know who is gonna try and sell me the next miracle cure....Say it with me now:
I also want to point out, this is not just me, this a community of us. We all would appreciate it if we could just feel miserable for a day or two...I promise you if our doctors and what we use for holistic healing is not working, we do not want unsolicited advice or sales pitches. I already hurt, I am sick, I am frustrated because I have had so many good days, and that comment, is not helpful!!!! It is disheartening when it feels like you are using my condition as a way to fund your next vacation. IT MAY NOT BE THAT WAY, but that is how we feel. All we are asking is that wait till the episode is over and ask can we talk. Respect my sick day, days.....

Advertise your heart out on your own pages!!! If I come to you and ask a slew of questions and say hey lets do this, then that is what I want. But like suggested above wait till I am not in flare mode and do it in a private message, not on my public wall...cause now you are not just trying to sell me, you are using my condition for free advertising and hoping someone gets curious and checks it out...may not be the case, but that is how it can perceived.

So as a whole, the Chronic Pain Community would like to ask y' PLEASE STOP!!! We are sick not desperate and willing to throw money at anything hoping it sticks.

Now, I hope you all have a great weekend...and again I am not directing this at all those who direct sale, I have respect for most of them and I am all for supporting a friend....just please don't ask me to do it when I am at my worst and borderline desperate for relief. That is not fair!


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