It is amazing how therapeutic a sink full of dishes can be, As I am washing dishes, a light bulb went off. I finally figured out what to do with Spoiled Momma and the Facebook page! I am taking it back to basics. This blog started out as a way to tell my story. There was no emphasis on what I was doing, just what was working, what was not, and the struggle along the way. The Facebook page was set up for quick share pics, thoughts, recipes, and to share I had a new blog posted.
So what this means, I am going back to posting about my journey and how I am beating chronic conditions without using prescriptions drugs. Being a Mom and a Student and a Wife and finding a way to balance it all. There are lots of shifts going on right now as I am working on my health first and foremost as well as job hunting (ugghhh). Keeping up with school (17 months left!) and how the itty bitty kid who was all four months old when I started this blog, is going to be 5 in a few months!
I feel better having a plan now, there is a longer one coming explaining all the shifts and the changes but for now I am leaving you with this thought...
I fully believe that this current season I am in is a blessing and just what I needed as a way to get through this transition and not knowing what to do with me!
Till next time, Just for today I will celebrate how far I have come and not overthink how far I have to go!
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