Been struggling with something for a bit and this is more about my perception of the statement not the actual meaning the other had behind the statement. I know from the bottom of my heart that anyone who has taken any intertest in my writing that it was nothing but good intentions in the questions they asked and follow up statements, but my perception is my reality even if it is slightly skewed. Which I do think that my slightly skewed, dark, and twisty mind is quite beautiful and a great place to hang out from time to time. But before I totally digress, back to the point. I sat down and did some research and goggling. Then of course I had to sit with it and think about it for a while.
I am 43 years old, btw not 42, I am months away from 44 and it has only been in the last year that I figured out who I am. I am a writer. I actively put words on some form of paper/screen and share the stories with the world. I blog and I write fanfiction currently, so no I do not currently have anything to shop to publishers. This does not mean that it will always be that way.
I look to it as it is how I am paying my dues; it is my way to hone my skill and practice. Yes, I could take the time that I have to write my own, but I do not have time to fully develop characters and worlds right now between work schedule and being a mom/wife as well as a writer.
But wait couldn't you spend the time that you spend writing doing this and isn't it all part of the process? Yes, it is, however I am doing research to make the story realistic, I am having two to three conversations in my head at any given moment, I am practicing the skill that sat dormant for twenty-three years. I am learning current trends in books and networking with other authors to build not only an online presence, but a fan base that will buy the book once it is released.
I also have to let you in on a secret, I am having FUN! I am making mistakes, not everything I write is great, but it is fun to connect with other fans and to learn that what I said had an impact on someone. That someone took time out of there day to read what me, the chick that makes the sandwiches, had to say.
To put it lightly, I am dealing with imposter syndrome (as mentioned in previous blog) some days and that may be why the words have giving me this perception that because I am "just" writing fanfics, that it makes me less than, but if I want to be honest in the last twelve years between the blog and the stories-my work has been accessed 33, 903 times. Umm...over thirty THOUSAND times someone/someone's have taken time out of their day to see what I had to say.
So yes, I am a writer on the road to be a published author. Everyone started somewhere and for me, this is the starting point. Everyone, including the villain, has an origin story. This is mine and I am so glad that you are part of it.
Till Next time-
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