Saturday, March 7, 2015

Changing up the math for me!!

 The amount of images are overwhelming for the percentage of of the weight loss percentages break down-20% 30% exercise, 80% or 70% diet. I get that but there is a key factor that is being left out, mental. I see it as 20% exercise, 60% diet, and 20% mental strength, positivity, and mind set.  I have spent weeks doing some rearranging in my mental state and I am in a good place. I start putting everything together as a whole on Monday. I will have my juicer in place on the counter, I will have my pics, weight, and measurements done tomorrow. But I think I will do my weekly weigh in's on Saturday. The weather looks good for walks with Abbie!! I am getting back into the game.
For me personally taking this month long step back and refocusing on my mental health was probably one of the best things I did for me. I actually feel refreshed and like I got this once again. I get discouraged and there is a resounding fear of being smaller. What??? I am terrified of not being bigger. You have to understand I have had issues with my weight since I was 14ish....over half my life I have been the fat kid. You take that away and I lose my identity. Or at least that is what it feels like. I am not focused on being skinny, I am focused on being healthy and fit. I want to get to a point where my health is better, it will never be 100% thanks to the diseases I am fighting. But I want to function without having to rest for three days to simply go grocery shopping.  I want to able to walk up the stairs without getting winded. I want to be able to carry my little one when she is asleep without my
arms feeling like rubber afterward.                                                                     

So now it is time to recommit. I am not changing the name of the blog back, because I am still in the midst of chaos. I still am not ready to dive fully back into mad dieter. I am taking a psychology class right now. I am in week 2 and there were two thoughts that hit hard this week and I want to share them....
1.  Live in a way you feel rewarded by everything you do.
2. Finding motivation even in our personal lives undoubtedly brings greater satisfaction to our success.

Now these hit me hard, specifically after last weeks video on Positive Psychology, which a whole blog to itself and is in the works. I am putting these two quotes on post it notes and sticking to my coffee pot, my mirrors, and my phone. I want to be reminded of them constantly.

I am stating here and now for everyone to see...I will no longer beat myself up if the scale doesn't move...I am not going to fail, I will just work harder the next week. I am no longer focused on what the tape measure says. I am focused on staying positive, taking my meds, and drinking more water in the nifty water glass I got made by TLC.

I am focused on drinking my breakfast and lunch and a sensible dinner. Less take out, less pizza, and more cooking in my cool new pans and in my redone kitchen. I am not starting over, I am finishing what I started many months ago. I am also excited because I got the best rainy day workout plan for me and Abbie...I bought just dance kids with the songs she is singing and plan on making it Mommy and Abbie time on rainy days when we can't go walking. Then once I am back into the swing of will be daily. For now we are starting slow. One day, one step, one pound at a time.

Till next time,
Happy Dieting!!!

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