Saturday, September 17, 2016

Surviving the Crazy

 After this week, I needed that reminder, I am not crazy. Every volunteer thing I am involved with kicked off this week! There were meetings, there were kick offs. There were meetings to train for the kickoffs and in all of this, I still had a kid to get off to school, a house that I need to run, doctor appointments,  payday stuff like going to get food for the next few weeks and are you ready for this...FINALS WEEK!!!!
I logged 74,857 steps...31.27 miles from Sunday morning till bedtime last night! 6 days...I made it all happen. Not on my own. But I seen I am stronger than I think, and I know why. I have a secret weapon. Coffee in the morning with God. Every morning since school started, I start them with coffee and an hour of quite time with God, my daily recovery readers, and a post to my Facebook page.
 I could have easily said, I need this extra hour for sleep. I could have easily said I am too busy. I mean everything I am doing this week is His work. PWOC, Awanas, and Marriage Enrichment. I will be at the Chapel or doing work for the Chapel every day but Saturday...that is enough. But it was not enough. I need it to stay on this path of recovery. 
See while living my recovery I have been given and blessed with tools to stay the course. My tools are my faith, my readers, my writing, the Facebook group of others that get it, my volunteer work (seriously when you are out everyday, makes it hard to sit on the couch and binge on TV and snack cakes), virtual races (gotta cath'em all, the medals that is), my planning and crafting projects, and of course my family and friends! All of these things help me be willing, remind me I am powerless, and remind me to listen.
 So, that is it...every morning including weekends...I get up and get that cup of coffee, make a to do list. It does not matter how long that list is....I have 3 things starred. If nothing else, those three things happen making me feel accomplished. I then switch up to meditation and the whole time I am listening to praise and worship music! This puts me in a mindset that I can do this. I am not doing it alone!

Now, I am going to pause here....God is first, but There is also someone who else that makes all this crazy possible...My Husband!

My husband never falters in his love and support for me. In the past year, I can look at him, and he just knows when I am reaching meltdown. He knows when I need his help...and he surprised me yesterday having the mini pick up her toys while I was out and I cam home to a toddler cleaned living room! We had a date night sitting in the living room playing a game we both love after the mini passed out. I KNOW this is a key player in how things just work!

So, as I head into the new normal schedule for fall, and just for I will no longer being saying I am busy. I am being productive. I am making moves and things happen so that I can ensure a bright future rooted in faith and walking the path God called me to walk. As they say He won't give you more than you can handle...which is probably why next week only has one extra thing and Monday is a day at home! Have an amazing week!

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