Motivation and finding the strength!!!!

After a conversation I had yesterday I got to thinking about things and out popped my next blog topic.  Motivation and finding the inner strength to do this.

I have always been the fat kid.  Give me a movie day curled up on the couch with delivery food and a two liter.  I am a happy kid.  I love my vegg and play games and do nothing kinda days.  Well a few things have changed one I have an active 5 month who is not gonna hang out on the couch it is a big world and she has a lot to discover in her little corner of it. Two I am doing so much I can not sit still for that long.  Three, my biggest reason, siting on the couch and vegging all the time is what got me into this boat in the first place.  I have tried this weight loss thing numerous times over the years and for the first time I am sticking to it.  Numerous reasons again, I love the compliments from my husband about being sexy and beautiful and if he finds me sexy like this wonder what he will find me 5 lbs lighter and so on, I love being on the floor playing with Abbie her laugh is my favorite sound in the world, and I have a great group of people I have met through my weight loss group and many friends through Facebook who are great at keeping me going and rooting me on.  But then I realized something....this is not for them.  Yes the support is great don't get me wrong  but this is for me.  My motivation comes from with in.  It comes from proving others wrong and doing what I was told I can not do.

I don't always wanna dance and go walk the tread mill and I damn sure don't wanna climb on that elliptical machine (stupid bitch) but I do it because every time I work at it I become a stronger person.  I have noticed in my weight loss journey, I am becoming a different person inside.  I am no longer throwing pity parties, I am no longer blaming my past, and I am no longer blaming this on anyone but me.  I ate the food that put me in this position, I let the past control my future, and I damn sure am the only one who can get my fat ass off the couch to do the exercising.  I have become a walking Nike ad...Just do it!!!

So I found my inner strength and my was the skinny bitch inside all along.  She was there and apparently my inner child had her locked in a closet and when I put the inner child in time out....the skinny bitch got out.  So she is now running the show.  Look out this plus size diva is on a roll.  No one is safe and no more pity parties.  She wants new clothes and until we drop major pounds we get none so that is my true motivation...SHOPPING.  Skinny Bitch=New Clothes!!!!! Plus when I hit my first weight loss goal I am getting hooker boots and a jean skirt that does not go to my ankles for the summer.  What is your inner motivation?

So happy Dieting till next time!!!
