Progress Report

Thought I would look back at where I was almost two months ago when I started all this.  I was almost 40 lbs heavier, I had to bath my daughter on the kitchen counter because I couldn't bend down to bath her in tub, holding her and picking up and putting down was a hard task, and walking with her was OMG torture.  Today I can bath in bathtub no problem, I can easily grab her off floor put her down and I can get down on the floor and play with her, and walking with her is one of my fav things to do baring weather.  I also have cut soda way way way back in my diet.  Still not giving up my coffee...I will kill someone with out it.  I am finally drinking about 8 glasses of water a day with the help of this stuff.  I have learned portion control and lots of fun new "dietish" recipes that my whole family enjoys, most of the time.  I am doing it...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But the big difference is I am getting bore just trying to sit around.  No more lounge days.  A few hours here and there but can't do it for more then a few hours.  I have an amazing amount of energy and I feel better about me.  I can't wait to see what I feel like after 4 months.
