Life and Such...

So I know back in January I made a plan to do a blog a week...well I failed.  There was thing called life that got in the way.  I went on vacation back in the middle of January...then I get home and I plan on hitting the gym again and then poof...Hubby's work schedule changed and I never got back in to the gym when I got home.  The month of February was a complete bust.  I fell off, kinda.  I ate what I wanted stopped tracking stopped playing on Spark People and just stopped.  Stopped pushing the water and started drinking soda. I went back into old habits kinda again.  I got on the scale thinking I am gonna cry...yes and no.  When I left for vacation on January 16th I weighed in at 266...almost 2 months later and getting off the depo for birth control....I was back up to 276.  Now most for most people that would have sent them running and yes it was upsetting then I stopped beating myself up....I have not been to the gym in over 2 months I have stopped my dieting and I have not counted a calorie since January 9th....I only gained 10 lbs.  Granted I do not want to regain, but it happens all weight fluctuates.  Now I am once again facing a vacation for the next 6 weeks I am also looking to lose 15 lbs in those next 6 weeks....roughly 2 lbs a week.  Plausible, possible, and damn it obtainable.  I am going to do it,a surprise for my hubby after such a long separation ..I want to come home closer to my goal of 178 by November 4th.

With all that said I stopped and thought about things for awhile and I had an epiphany.  It took me 2 months to regain 10 lbs.....not great but before I learned the few things I have I gained 13 lbs in ONE month. So I am  not DIETING anymore I am making lifestyle changes.  I still need work but after living like this for over 15 years where candy, soda, and sweet treats were 3 of my five basic food groups.....change is not gonna happen in the first few months of redoing my entire way of thinking.  Yes given the option there are still days I am gonna reach for a resse's instead of a yogurt, but I am trying.  I am gonna spend the next few days fixing stuff on Spark People and getting back into the swing of things. redo my weight goals.  178 will have to wait till my birthday.  In my hiatus I watched the biggest loser and for the first time I seen something I had not seen in many of the other seasons.  There is a woman on the show that has become my hero.  She has lost a ton of weight and does not have the hanging skin.  If she can do it, I can do it.  It is all in the exercise.  So I will start slowly with the exercise again, walking a lot with Abbie while on vacation, hitting the gym when I can. Taking my water bottle and sticking with the Mio, treating myself to things I can only get in certain places but balancing out the good and the bad.  Remembering the key is all good things in moderation.

So to wrap this up remember dieting and weight loss is something that will slide from time to time.  Life gets busy and time may not always be there, but by sticking to the few goals and diet changes you made set backs may be as big as you originally thought and when you fall you have to get back up.  One Day, One Step, One Calorie at a time.

Picture of me taken 3/9/2013....will post a photo again when I get home in May.

Happy Dieting Y'all


  1. Anonymous3/13/2013

    LOVE this picture :) A set back is not a FAIL; its an opportunity. You have the right mindset for great things. I have missed you, my friend :) You got this!
    -Always Anonymous ;)

  2. I missed you too...she loved getting right up in the camera. She didn't get as many of the three of us as she wanted so in May we are going back for more so I will have awesome picture to post


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