how do I get the exercise in when....

I have no access to a gym? Easy I run up and down stairs a few times a day to smoke and walk for an about a half hour a day. So feeling much better now that I am back on track with my diet.  I have lost 3 more inches in my waist and lbs lost will just have to wait till I get home. But I hit a milestone on a walk the other day...This fat girl RAN with no icecream truck involved and no one was chasing me either.  I did a mile and a half walk/run in 25 minutes.  I was only able to run part of it, but I did it. It is a lot easier to run outside then in the gym on a treadmill.

The moral of this story is this,  don't ever sell yourself short. I never imagined I could do it but I tried and succeed.  You have to let yourself try and if at first you don't succeed try it again and again till you get the results you want. So I leave you with a challenge...Whatever you want to achieve go for it from weight loss to starting your own business to maintaining your tone and shape work at it a little bit everyday till you achieve what you want to achieve.

Happy Dieting!!!!!!
