Week one done...

Well I survived week one. I kept my calories under 2300 hundred all but one day, lost 2.7 pounds this week, went from not working out at all to working out 4 times, and I made it back into the gym to kick off week two. I start a clean eating challenge tomorrow...this ought to be interesting. I have to do some modifying because the calorie intake is way too low for me because of how heavy I am and it will make me sick. I also have limited supplies for  first two days but I will make it work.

So I made it back into gym today...was great but it also sucked for a bit. Here is why it sucked...in October I was up to almost 30 on elliptical machine and making it well over a mile today I could only do 10 and I was walking a 17-18 min mile...took me 24 today. So not only did I gain weight I also slowed down at the gym...I lost stamina. Now not as bad as I was when I first started oh so long ago but still having to start over sucks. But I did some lifting for the toning side of things and it felt amazing. I have managed to get crunches in...only 10 but we all start somewhere right? But I am feeling better...actually got some housework accomplished and am taking back the control from the disease.  I even started planking again...up to 25 seconds and have a 30 day challenge with that...on day 2.

so at end of week one I have learned:

1. Not eating after 9 is working and is now very easy and I am not so hangry (hungry to the point of anger)
2. Working out is a great stress reliever for the terrible 2's
3. Starting small and counting calories is great
4. Any progress is better then no progress and lastly
5....As long as I  stick with something I can lose the weight and if I can do it...anyone can.

so week 2 weight: 296.7 measurements in 3 weeks.

Happy Dieting
