An official introduction

The reason I do what I do

Nope Mommy doesn't work out around me at all.
Most Recent Full Body shot
This is ME!

I have does not have me!

Hi...I am Audie...the Mad Dieter. I know post number 44 is when I tell everyone who I am, crazy. But for the longest I was not to sure who I was so how could I introduce myself to people. Yeah friends know who I am but I am pretty sure it is not only friends who have read my blog 2,492 times. One of the other reasons is I was not sure who I was. I was still dealing with past scars and issues, finding myself in a new role as wife and mother, and finally fully accepting who I am. Well I now know.

I am Audie. I am far from perfect but getting closer every day. I struggle with my weight loss every day. It is not easy going from Twinkies to turkey for snacks. I also am a mom, a wife, a volunteer, and a friend...not the best at times but I am a friend. I also have used to have me. That was a dark period. I struggle some days to just maintain normal. Some days would give my left arm to just have no pain...but I have finally got the upper hand. I know where I stand with the disease and for the most part I can keep it at the back door. I still have days where it is like a bill collector...constantly reminding me it exists.  Mama always said there will be days like this!

I also want to stress what I have found to be working for me will not work for everyone. Some people swear by weight watchers, some say beach body is best...I have had great results with them, and some say neither program works. No two bodies are the same and I am NOT an expert. I do a lot of my own research on line and in these funny things in the library with pages and know good old fashion books. I also run what I do not understand by doctor, my BFF the nurse, and someone who has go to school for nutritionist that I call a friend as well. I also want to stress this is MY blog therefore it is also laced with personal opinion, struggle, and sometimes language.  I have no filter, I do not write for children, and I do say fuck a lot. This is where I can vent about the slow/no progress weeks. Yes I do realize that slow progress is still progress. I also use this to celebrate small know choosing a salad over fries when I have Arby's on occasion.

Every one can DO what I am doing...many may CHOOSE not to. See this is one place where people have the choice to do or not do. But I have found that sometimes it just takes seeing another perspective and it clicks. That is what  I am doing..offering another perspective and simplifying of some of the dieting myths...I am a Mad Dieter in the sense I have tried them all and none had success otherwise...this wouldn't exist. I also am a little deranged and crazy...aren't we all? But I also am not a dieter in the true sense...this is a lifestyle change. I will be on a permanent diet.

Well that is me...any questions ask. Suggestions for topics you don't quite understand...let me know. Always looking for new research topics. And I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read and get to know me. Until next time....

Happy Dieting.
