So I finished the first book I wanted to read for my summer series on the research side....Creating YOUR Plan for Weight Loss Success (How to Lose 100 Pounds) by P. Seymour
The book is a quick easy read and it is the first in a series...which I will eventually obtain but want to focus on the first book here.
First and foremost set your goal...not your significant others, not your doctors, not an outsider...set YOUR goal. Now for some it may be a small number but for me it is a large number. Getting honest I slipped up in the month of May and while I did not put it all back on I put some back on. I am back in the 280's....BUT I am still wearing smallerish clothes and I am back on track so that is the true WHOO HOO moment. So my ultimate goal is to lose 140 pounds, I tried putting that number into trackers and well it is daunting so I broke it down into smaller obtainable increments...35 lbs. I need to lose 35 lbs 4 times that is it Hell I can do that...I did it all ready from January to now. So the pics you see are my visual aids...So I can see what I will look like as I travel downwards. Now there is the next step...set Goals.
With Goal setting start with an overall...I want to lose 140 lbs. Now I have set smaller goals...First is to lose the first 35 lbs by September...that is 2lbs a week. To do this I am setting nonweight fitness goals...after vacation Zumba 4-5 times a week (2 in class with Fefe and 2-3 at home on my own.) To hit the gym at least 2-3 times a week when mine and my neighbors schedule lines up and to walk at least 5,000-8,000 steps a day accumulating 35 miles a week. So now I have the scale and fitness goals set now there is the other side which is the kitchen...I have three goals there...880 ounces of water a week, salad for lunch at least 3 days and a veggie with every meal breakfast, lunch, and dinner when not having salad, and to start having a shake midafternoon to help curb the 3:00pm I want CANDY feeling. Oh yeah have to add one more...NO energy drinks...I went to big with cutting soda, Monster, and coffee creamer all at once...I have stuck to no creamer unless it is the rare coffee treat but fell back into Soda and Monster...with the coffee I am still on a 2-4 cup a day at most with stevia and almond milk...I decided to do the other one at a time...Soda is last because that is the lesser of the two evils. SO now all the goals are set....
The next step to meeting and making those goals is to track...I track with fitbit even my food and water so I am set there. If you do not have one there is an abundance out there...find the one that works for you. I also use two other trackers...Dynamic weight and body tracker and body fat calculator. These are right on my phone and I sit down early Saturday/Sunday morning take my measurements, weigh and then I chart them all on a spreadsheet type thing I can print off and put in a journal when I look back for the year. There other side of tracking is journaling. I have this, facebook, and pinterest for that so pick what works for you and even if it is old fashion pen and paper. Which I will be doing as well soon...I have a smashbook bought for this purpose.
Now you have the goals, the visual aids, the tracker, and the all that is left is to go to it! Do not get discouraged...take pictures of starting points...when you hit a tough spot take new and compare and I guarantee you will be back on track. Also find a friend and phone a friend when needed...but I need to wrap this up I have a house to clean and a date night to prepare for. Check out the book...It is free for the kindle and the kindle apps quick easy read and goes into more detail then I did...there is a lot more info then I have time to put in here. I just did a quick synopsis. So until next time....
Happy Dieting!
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