2015 and S.M.A.R.T. Goals!!!

So did my weight and measurements tonight, UGGHHH seriously starting over yet AGAIN!!!! They say: 

That is the cycle I am going in with this weight loss. Well as we all know I have been in school since August and one of the things that I have been taught is how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and short term goals that lead to long term goals.   Now, to explain S.M.A.R.T. goal setting---

 So for 2015 my focus will be on the short term that will lead to my long term. The ultimate goal is to be 60 pounds lighter, my BMI down to under 40, and my fat percentage to be under 45%.  This is specific, measurable by tracking both on Fitbit but on Walgreen's website for points towards free money to spend there, but that is a whole other blog post which I will post before school starts back up. It is attainable because there are several things I can do or change to make sure that it happens. It is very realistic since I am looking at only 1.15 lbs a week. Timely, yes because I am giving myself 365 days to reach it. So now that I have my long term goals set, I am gonna set my goals for January...
  1. Drink 145 ounces of water a day minimum
  2. 30 minutes or more of exercise 3 days a week. (gotta start slow)
  3. Cut back to 10 cigarettes a day or less. 
  4. Get my eating back to 80% clean and 20% yuck
  5.  Cut coffee creamer back down to 2 servings and sugar free
  6. No Energy Drinks at all (soda will start going in March)
  7. Take my pills everyday!

I have severely fallen off....but yet there is a few things worth mentioning.
My 2015 Desktop Picture
  1. I am not heavier now then I was at this time last year so I have am finishing this year lighter then I was last year.  I was 301 this time last year and I am starting this year at 290. 
  2. I am not beating myself up nor am I taking this to hard...at the end of the day I did lose 11 pounds. 

What I am looking forward too!

As I wrap this up:
Thanks for hanging out with me in 2014, hope to see some big changes in 2015, and above all else...
