I plan on streaking in 2016

 NO, not that kind...lol. But I got your attention right?

Seriously though I do plan on doing some streaking. I am wanting to set up a few things and see if I can start a winning streak or two.

First thing I want to work on...
365 days of goal crushing water consumption. Whatever the water goal is, 64 ounces, 75, 100 ounces...I want to meet or exceed that goal everyday!

Second thing...
365 days of journaling.  Every morning I start with 20 minutes of quite time and journaling to put my mind in the right place. If my head is not in the game and clear...I will not succeed. I know this from past experiences.

Third thing we are streaking this year....
52 blog minimum...that is one a week every week in 2016. How can I expect to hone my craft if I am practicing weekly at least. Now there could be more...I will finish this year with 45 this being the last one of 2015, the next one is a BIG ONE!!! See this post makes 99 posts, the next one is number 100!!! I have to do that one right and what better way than to make it the first blog of 2016!!!

The fourth and final thing I am streaking this year...
Step goal met for the day. I want 365 days of step goal met. So I am tweaking the phases and how I want to do this to make sure that I am not setting myself up failure. Right now I have my goal set at 4500...I am leaving it there till Dec 31st. On the 1st I am going to 5000. Every 21 days after that I will bump the step amount up. They say that if you do something for 15 minutes a day every day it will become a habit in 21 days. So I will be kitchen dance partying/stomping it out every day to make sure I hit step goal.

Three out of four of these streaks have a major goal attached....I want to come off of all meds!! The pain, the water...all of them. So 365 days of focus on me so I can be a better wife, mom, student, and volunteer.

Now yes I have goals of hitting these streaks....the only way to hit them is one day at a time. Which is where my focus is, just for that day I will drink my water, hit my steps, work on that weeks blog topic, and get in my journaling. By breaking it down to just for today, the days will add up and I will be where I want to be this time next year.

Now that I have played with my writing headphones and all I am gonna go enjoy the rest of the day!!! Merry Christmas and Thanks again for another awesome year!!! 2016 is shaping up to be the best yet for In the midst!!!
