Staying open and honest

In this weight loss journey there is one key fact that must remain in the forefront...Honesty. While this happened to me before, I was so hopping it was not happening again and yup it scale was broken. I knew it had to be be due to my home scale being way off the doctors scale. With this said....I am retracting my 72 pound weight loss...but I have lost 9 inches. I have gained so much in energy, stamina, and I have lost 22 pounds!!

Now, I could say, I am just going to give up and I don't wanna do this anymore. I could stop posting and forget what it was I set out to do....or I could shake it off and come back from it. The first would be easier. Till I had to get off the couch, go to work, take care of my family. So here it is....completely transparent....

This is what 22 pounds and 9.5 inches lost looks like. This is what one year of spending time on recovery while dealing with loss, struggle, and illness. This is what not giving up looks like. In the past something like this would have sent me into a tail spin, would have left me reeling for something sweet to handle the set back.

 So here is how this is going to happen...I am going to spend the next 353 days fighting....for me. Not for the damn she got hot, not for my husband, and not for my daughter....I am doing this for ME. I am doing this to prove I can do it. I am doing it to show that no matter what health issue I have, no matter what stumbling block I may find...I will vault over it. I am not backing down from what I want.
So there it honesty and complete transparency on what is going on. I am on a mission. I am also ensuring that I am doing this in the path of recovery. No fast track, no short cuts. Portion control, workouts, journaling, and staying in the step work. I am working around two chronic conditions and by doing it this way, I know I can share my story with others who are fighting these same issues.

So here is the plan, weekly weigh ins....with shared results....the first one I will share on Sunday on my Facebook page of the same name....make sure I am using the oils and taking my meds....20 mins of exercise a day. Weekly blogs of how the week went. I know I can do this, and with the blog being my accountability tool...I know it won't take long to see the results I want.

So one day at a time, I am staying the course and just for today...I am winning!
