Why not me?

I know it has been a few days, but things have been crazy. First let me tell you, I am on such a high here. I have made some changes that are leading to a large major change. See, I set aside my fear of being told no. I set aside my fear of being fit and healthy...yes I am afraid of that.

 So with this change and reaching out to someone for help on this weight loss journey, I need to mix up a few things and I need to figure out how to share and what to share. The one thing I do know is the blog is NOT going anywhere. I just need clarification on a few things I can and can not post and how to intertwine the things going on without having to change my blog name again.
  I am 4 days in and know this was the right thing to do for me. I have landed right in the middle of where I need to be to move forward, my recovery s incorporated. Things are done in a way that I can ease into how to make it work. I also have just caught up on my journaling and all that fun stuff. A follow up to this will be posted by the weekend....

So to answer the question...oh yes it is ME! This change up and move is all part of me being selfish this year. I also came across two statements in the reading catch up that just made sense and let me know, I am making the right move...I leave you today with this thought....

Stop supervising the weight loss and while I may know a bit about the process, there is always more to learn.

This opportunity came at the right time, which leads me to things do happen in God's time when you let it all go and this is gonna help me figure out just who I am again. Now to run and get things ready for my crazy Wednesday!
