What is going on??!!??

Well, yup it happened again...I fell off the blogger train...I started strong but this has been one hell of a first half of 2019...In February I went to Disney!!!
That was a trip and a half 10 days non stop packed with catching up with an old friend, meeting a new friend, 3 of the four parks, and 2 days at Universal! We made the most of the time down there and have a start of a plan for August of 2020 to go back.

Came home and diving into the Master's program as well as I am now 4 classes deep and still holding a 4.0! All the time holding onto the management position and my sanity in my teeth. Then we did a thing as a family, in April we bought a new car...

Head spinning yet, cause there is still more to the last four months that was a whirlwind!!! The biggest shift started in late April/Early May. 
I got a new job early May like I accepted the position around Mother's Day and just last Thursday, I celebrated thirty days working in a position that, sitting down? Is in line with my degree plan!!!! At the same time, my husband was considered for and obtained a managerial position!!!!

Head spinning yet? Cause damn mine sure was for a few minutes. This is the cliff notes, and I have shared a bit, but in the past four months, I also have done something unheard of. I have stayed on TRACK!!! I am still moving forward even as I have not been posting daily or blogging weekly, I am learning a new routine and a new job and as I passed the thirty-day mark at the new job and still working occasional shifts at Carters (yup you read that right, I am working two jobs!) I am starting to fall into a routine and guess what that means...yup back to basics. I am ready to add back in things but with a twist.

I have been in a one day at a time mindset for almost four years and it has served well for the purpose. It has helped me through a lot of white knuckle moments and such, but it is time to expand from this and there is a reason why. As we all know I am getting coaching from an AMAZING woman. She has spent years helping women like her, me, and thousands of others who have stories and reasons well with urging and coaching, she has put this thought process of two weeks at a time in my head to swirl around. Then the more I have been in the readers there has been a push as well...just this morning I got hit with this gem...
And then it was followed up with this... So, what exactly does this mean? It means it is time for me to move out of a comfort zone once again, this time I will be doing something out of the comfort zone for my health and fitness gains. I will be focusing on 14 days at a time, but while this blanket of one day at a time is warm and keeps me in a mindset of well today I messed up I can try again tomorrow, I need to level up...majorly if I am going to grow. Seriously thinking, I do so much two weeks, 14 days at a time. Work schedules/Baby Sitter schedules for mini and hubby, meal planning, grocery shopping...why not my health and fitness? I get paid two weeks at a time...so I can do this thing with my fitness/nutrition two weeks at a time. 
Now, why would I add more pressure right now as things are starting to settle...my coach pointed out I thrive when I set my sights on overachieving when I apply pressure. When I set my sights on a new goal that is not weight loss focused...but wait Audie didn't you say this was about fitness/nutrition. and in that weight loss will happen. Yes, yes I did but as lovingly pointed out by Coach Tulin, it is simply a by-product. So as my word for 2019 was diamond and currently the pressure is subsiding and the comfort zone is expanding, it is time for a shakeup. It is time for a new layer of pressure to be applied and to take this thing up a notch.
So why now? Well, I am 8 weeks out from being in recovery from the binge eating disorder (BED) for four years this year, I am the one doctors told me weight loss with or without surgery would not be possible, too many conflicting chronic conditions, but here I am 60 pounds lighter. I have a story that spans more than just weight loss. I have a story that I want to share. I was an angry bitter woman who settled for what life handed to her. I was orphaned at 37 turning 38 (all 3 parental units Mom, Dad, Bonus Dad). Been in every single relationship they say you should not be, and working jobs that I knew were just jobs and were not career moves that I would want to work for a lifetime. All of this because I thought I was worthless, would never have the relationship I deserved, and that I was nothing more than a screw up who would never make an impact on anything. The secret here, I am not any of those things, so moving forward, I am going to be working to share more of the how life came to be and how I am working to overcome it. None of this would be possible without four people...my best friend Jenn who helped me to start finding my inner bitch that would eventually be one of the leading forces in my move to VA which leads me to my husband, he is my rock, my teller of all the No's. The one who when the chaos storm begins he holds the umbrella and keeps me from being sucked into the hurricane it can be and then my coach, Coach Tulin is a huge driving force behind the shifts and changes and I do not give her enough credit...it is much more than a # that is deserved, but most of the time it is what I have got. There is also a local battle buddy, active/vet army wife...a girl that I would have lost my cool many times without our lunches and such...of course there are my sisters and my family...but as I begin this shift into the unknown and I take a step out of the comfort of just for today...I know that these four will be the ones I reach out to and watch me learn how to navigate this new path. These four will be the ones with words of wisdom who will reel me back in when I try to sprinkle in excuses and will remind me I choose the path...I need to stick to it...
 As I wrap this up for the night, I am reminded once again, I chose this path of becoming a diamond this year, I prayed for guidance and what my mission/word for the year would be and the diamond was my answer. So, we move forward into the journey of becoming a diamond.

I leave you with this...I have had many boulders and obstacles placed in my way, I have had reasons to stop and just chuck it in the F'it bucket, but I keep finding new ways to do things, including losing sixty pounds and keeping them off over the last four years. I have found a stronger, badass inner personality, and I am confident in who I am...now to use this to move into two-week phases where I can safely make a two-week plan for my meals (not just family dinner), my movement, my water consumption, and my coffee moments and nail it just as I nailed just for today and one day at a time.

Till Next Time!
