Sunday, September 13, 2015

13 days strong!!!

JULY 17th
 As promised the blog for the past few days...been crazy crazy busy...and have loved every minute of it!!
<--------This picture was handed to me today....I stopped and stared...when had I let that happen...but wait um was that really only just a few months ago? I don't recognize myself...I know it is me, that is my mini in the front...Then I remember the picture that is below

Woop!! I am right on schedule. I am one week out for killing, smashing, destroying the goal of an 35,000 steps a week...that means I will have walked 140,000 56 miles...56 miles in 4 weeks. I had a small pity party moment this morning. I did not hit the 35,000 steps for last week...some of it was due to me lounging and some was beyond my control. In the past I would have said oh well, flip this spit...I am done....that is not what I did...I looked at my numbers from August 23rd when I started this and holy stuffs...I was only 36,150 steps and 12.63 miles off. I still had 7 whole days to accomplish this...I only had to walk 4,142 steps a day and 1.11 miles to complete it!!! So I am running with it.

 The crazy thing is that at 5:00 today I hit step 5000 for the day. Do I want to just sit on the couch and netflix binge...YES!!! This whole process is HARD. I am so wanting to quite. I mean why am I doing this to myself. Why am I doing housework, and volunteering like crazy, and going to school...oh yeah, I am doing it because I want to live. I am wanting to participate in life and no longer watch it pass by. I want a job, no I want a career!! I want to set an example for my little mini who is starting to understand about giving her clothes and toys to kids that don't have.

Don't get me wrong, these past few weeks have been hard and the closer we get to October it is going to be a fight...but a fight that I am going to win. I do not have the time to wallow this year, but I am also getting stronger in my voice and just saying No, not today. No explanation, just Nope...not today and I will let you know when I can schedule you in.

 So just for today, I am gonna giggle at the silly things, and enjoy the little moments...take the physical steps I need to heal. And I am gonna shine....I am gonna crush every goal I at a time and when I look back at this year I will be truly able to say....I am a better me and 2015 was MY year!


Endings Suck, ummm Maybe?

 End is defined as the final part of something, and also has a verb definition of bring to a final point, finish something...finished is def...