See as the pic to my right stays it all. I do not give up anymore. I may readjust, I may realign and I may even redo...but I do not give up. I am over 90 days on my third attempt and I am sticking with the third time is a charm principal. I am doing this because I am setting an example for a mini me. I am tired of starting over. See every time I get to here...this point where I start feeling really good, but the weight is in awkward places, I relapse.
So this time I am putting me first. Yes it looks funny and things are smaller some are bigger and out of proportion. BUT if I stick with it...I will re-balance all out. So with that thought and the fact that new years is right around the my critical thinking class...I have been doing some thinking and reflecting....and
While 2015 was my catalyst year...2016 I am making it happen. I am going after everything that has always been just out of reach...size 14/16, fixing my teeth because I am done smoking and can get the implants hopefully, and working by the fall. Plus finally organized, meal planning, and coupon clipping regularly...
I am fierce...and more and more I am finding my voice....For today, I am pretty and I am happy and I am in recovery!!!
Thank you...I draw from all of the amazing women I have met along the way.