Monday, September 2, 2019

Needed a change...

Today is the first day of the next chapter of my life. (I am a writer did we expect any other reference from me?) Yesterday was my last shift at a job that changed my life in many ways, both positive and negative but it showed me and taught me what I needed to learn. I no longer work weekends and my weekday job hours are now changing to better accommodate a work life balance. My professional life is coming together in ways I never dreamed off and I am very excited to see how it goes to be focused on only one career that will help unlock my full potential and goes along with my degree plan.

But what about the rest of the sections of my life? There is the writer and me side (that includes self care, fitness, and everything that Mom does for mom.) There is the Mom side, the wife side, the friend does the above play into them. Well in fact it plays in just like this... I am making big life changes. I am finding a more structured lifestyle that will allow more freedom. Already looking at things and making weekend plans that do not revolve on waiting till Thursday to make them and seeing if I have to work before I can tell mini we are going on an adventure (We are already planning one for next Saturday).

See I had to find the willingness to change, and for some reason this was the change that was going to be the catalyst to what changes everything. When I had a one on one-ish coaching session and really laid it all out, what I thought I had to give up was minuscule to what I was gaining. Now, the act of giving up the part time job was not what really changed...I am what changed. I figured out my time was worth more than a second minimal paycheck or a discount on clothes that mini does not need. I needed to get really dedicated to this life I am trying to build and knew that what Mini needed was my presences not my presents! So, I took it off my plate and I put us on a budget that is doable no matter what happens with finances in the next few months. I am again working on a No spend...and really not spend this time. The plan is anytime I think I can shop, I stick that money I was going to spend in savings. This way when the time comes I can invest. All the changes that are currently happening in my life and my household started with me and my willingness to say I am tired of living like this!

Those above changes, well now they lead into something new for me...I am going to go 30 days for 30 days cooking at home. There will be no take out, no drive through, no screw it lets get pizza...None. I am meal planning this week and getting everything I need for the next two weeks for healthyish home cooked meals that everyone will eat and I will not be a short order cook to make it happen.

See my potential is linked directly into the willingness to make the changes and how can I achieve what is possible, what I see what is possible in the group I am in everyday as well as the examples set by Team Emre if I am not willing to take the action and practice what is taught!
Which leads to my next aha for this week...being humble is not hard (not easy but not hard) what is hard is STAYING humble. That is another thing that takes practice and action. That takes the ability to not resorting to my own thinking and doing it how I have always done it. Loaded up my plate and in that full plate I have excuses by the dozen...they are like the rolls in the buffet of life. In my readings this week I came across something that was the basis for this week:

"My Best way of thinking got me in trouble. 
I could think my life to suit me;
The only problem was it didn't work"
-For Today Pg. 298

That quote started this crazy week and then it ended with the last shift and in this, well I realized I am ready for a change. I am ready to get more present with me to be a better Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend, and employee. And I also do not have to fix anything for anyone...all I have to do is show up, shoulder to shoulder and be there. Set the example of being present even when making the easy choice, seems well is not. See the above battle I had for 3 months. 

As I wrap this up, I am starting a new routine. I am in the middle of breaking some habits I enabled for far to long and in the process, it is making life better for all of us! I am getting back to habit tracking, I am getting back to the basics that worked so well when I first started working and had a more relaxed schedule. I am letting go of control and knowing my husband and mini can help me in there own way and when I go to give that Mom clean it is easier and less time consuming. I am finally putting together some layers from coaching and from the step work and year 5 is off with a bang! I am also plugging away on these weekly wrap ups, but going back to a daily burst as an accountability. Watch out world...this mama is armed with coffee and the willingness to find a routine and structure that gives her the freedom to say absolutely...we can go an adventure today! There is nothing that I would rather do! 

-Till Next Week y'all!

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