Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wellllll I am back at the begining...kinda

I am not back at the very beginning...but I am. Are you as confused as me...good, here is what I mean...I have a dress in my closet that I wore today....I wore it a few moths ago, but was not totally comfortable with how it fit, so I wore a long sweater over it..... to take away from the middle...When it fits comfortably... There on the beach with a just turned 1 Abbie and My BFF

To a ladies luncheon thing here on post...Both of these pics, I felt great. The pounds were coming off and I was so sure I was never going to find them again....Both of these were from 2013.

We all know what happened after that, I puffed up....I fell off and I had to start over....because in 2013, there was a few pieces missing..I was not doing this with help of a higher power. I was doing this all on my own and losing the battle of wills. My love for food and all the wrong ones at that plus my need to compulsively over eat and that addiction to food, won. My head was not in the game like it should have been.

So this morning, I headed out to church and I decided to try the dress....
That is this morning....the sweater simply there to make sure the bra straps did not show and a small half sweater at I am back at the beginning. Every time I want to lose weight I am around the 250-260 mark (last weigh in was 259.0) This dress fits and life is I sit here sucking down ice water nursing a cup of coffee and doing everything I can to keep from raiding the kitchen due to a headache from not eating as much sugar and carbs as I am used to and trying to stick to July's plan.

June was a great month....I lost 11 pounds so up to 22% of my body weight lost. I have dropped my BMI to 44.6 and I am up 2.2 inches and body fat percentage did not change...I know why...bloating.

Where the inches did not change, went up by a hair, or went down by not even an inch are all areas that can bloat or swell all caused by water weight, hormonal stuff, and the food I that leads me to what am I doing for the month of July??

I am doing a challenge found on social media, referred to me by a friend. It is built for one medical condition, but it focuses on the anti-inflammatory diet and also plays into the 21 day fix shopping lists as well. I am on day 3 and so far I can feel a difference in how I feel. Still dealing with headaches and that sluggish feel when you detox sugar at first, but having done this once before and knowing what the benefits are...I push forward. I am also on a mission to have July's numbers on fitbit beat June, continue my 30 day plus of step goal/mile goal met, and I am adding a squat challenge to the mix...I want my butt to be put back where it belongs....

Here are June's before and afters and numbers:

So here is making July's look better!!!! I am looking forward to August....I will finally celebrate 365 days food sober and have a major before and after to take!

Wrapping this up so I can write a paper for school and knock out some house stuff...
I am excited for the end of July and Mom's birthday is the 30th so that says a lot...but I am also scared of giving up half way through like I always do...since I have finally made it back to where it all I am letting go, turning this over and holding on to this years theme verse Philippians 4:13...till next time!

Writer as Defined by Me

  Been struggling with something for a bit and this is more about my perception of the statement not the actual meaning the other had behind...