Sunday, January 30, 2022

Plot Twists and resets!

 Well, this block went anyway but as planned!!! There are a lot of changes popping up in my little world. Between my daughter hitting a new season in her life (y'all she is 9 turning 10 this year and this mom is so not ready for this milestone!) and my husband having some major shakeups at work including a new promotion that comes with a whole lot of new responsibilities as well as new stressors...what a 2-week block! Weight and tape did not go as expected...back up and a new tape measure so measurements are not exactly matching up. However, as Albert Einstein says over there-Failure is success in progress. 

So we also have had not one but two snowstorms in my neck of the usually snowless corner of the world and brutally cold temps for us as well. With my chronic conditions, did I really gain weight and have measurements go up, or am I a little extra inflamed? I also know my water consumption was off so there is that as well as it is about that time for me so some is bloating as well...all factors that will affect weight and tape. The important thing is not that I went up and all the self-deprecating behavior is not where my mind went! I saw the numbers as they were numbers and a choice to either see it as straight data about what does not work or as a failure. I choose to see it as data and a starting point so 6 weeks into my tracking...I am hitting a reset! 

January was a month of plot twists and as a new 2-week block kicks off today it just makes sense to say PLOT TWIST and start from this point with a fresh page and mindset. I have a few focuses that I am looking at. 

1) For 3 days, I will start my day with 16 ounces of water before coffee touches my lips (GASP!!! WHO AM I???) Day 1 down-2 more to go. Yes, after day 3, I will repeat it. Reps of 3 I can do so 1, 2, 3, and begin again!

2) I will pen to paper track my data in 2 ways a large wall calendar that I can not miss from anywhere in my living area. As well as a reminder...

The second way is a journal that I bought for myself that I tossed in a box and never used. So I dusted it off and started using it this morning! I also will go back to utilizing my apps that help me on the go so I can paper track at night before bed instead of falling asleep on the couch with the TV watching me. 

3) 3 days a week there will be a workout. Just 3-I will look at my work schedule and pick the three that make sense. For this week I am scheduling them for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will have a simple set of a mix of resistance bands, ab roller, and hula hoop. If I feel like I want more, I may go for a peloton ride (Thanks apartment complex for adding one to the gym) and a walk on the treadmill after to cool down.

I also am dusting off my pen to paper planning and adding in a cleaning journal and a dry erase board on the fridge with the pertinent information on it. I also am going to be asking for help as I am not the only one that lives here-I should not be the only one that ensures the environment is kept up. 

This morning is an unexpected day off so I am taking some time to get caught up on the paper planning and get all the things to accomplish from my head to paper. This will allow me to start using another technique that my coach has mentioned. Once I practice this during this block, I will talk about it more. But as I sit here writing this, I know that I can do better and I know that getting back to basics as well as bringing back my morning coffee and Jesus moments which also includes personal development I can not only successfully reset, I can move forward from this rat on a wheel feeling that is creeping back in. I know this is not what I am destined for and I know that if I utilize or better yet choose to utilize the tools I have at my disposal, there is nothing but success in my future! 

As I wrap this up so I can switch to pen to paper...I want to leave you with this thought. 

At any moment we can reset our hour, day, month, year! We are not stuck in any situation. There will always be a plot twist that feels like it is derailing us. But what if that plot twist is just to show us how bad we truly want what we are working for? I know that this past plot twist for me was a true moment of clarity and I am going to go after everything I want with a vengeance with three simple steps that are easy to not only track but doable in my current season of work and mom/wife life! 

Till Next Time y'all-


Writer as Defined by Me

  Been struggling with something for a bit and this is more about my perception of the statement not the actual meaning the other had behind...